A Wall

You always say you want to understand me more yet I never feel being understanded.
When I talked about my passion, you don’t reply anything on me and just keep ignoring me.
Talking to you feels like talking into a wall.
Everytime I tell you something I really like, it is all silent.
I hate it.

You always say you don’t understand but you never tried or want to understand.
It feels kinda nostalgic when I think about it.
I see, It feels like I am being with someone from my old trauma.

You made an imaginary stories about me.
You put words inside my mouth that aren’t mine.
You just want to be heard but never tried to do the opposite.

Is my life is just a vicious cycle that doomed to happen? Idk.
All I can do is to say good bye.

Good bye, I hope you find someone you willing to understand and accept for who they are.

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